Breastfeeding Articles
Our goal is to provide evidence-based information and support. Each article is well researched and contains up-to-date information.
– What Does Evidence-Based Mean?

Breastfeeding Printables
Breastfeeding USA recognizes how irreplaceable in-person peer support is, so we have made these PDF Printables available for you to use and share!

Our Favorite Breastfeeding Videos
Our collection of informative videos from lactation consultants and healthcare professionals, covering a wide range of topics.

Special Facebook Groups
Social media has become the go-to place for breastfeeding support.

Parents’ Stories
Stories to inspire parents to meet their breastfeeding goals.

Book Reviews
Book reviews were written by Breastfeeding USA Counselors, interested in sharing their love of discovering evidence-based information and sharing it with the breastfeeding community.

#MilkMemos Newsletters
Our newsletter reaches out to all members, volunteers, and donors to Breastfeeding USA, AND to all those who breastfeed and provide vital support to mothers and children.
We extend sincere appreciation to all the authors who have donated articles and reviews to Breastfeeding USA.