July 2, 2019
As breastfeeding advocates, we are outraged by the US government’s ongoing mistreatment of mothers and children, including breastfeeding mothers and their children. Breastfeeding USA joins the call to #closethecamps and end the unlawful and immoral treatment of children and families.
Given our mission to support breastfeeding as the biological and cultural norm, we cannot look away from these gross violations of human rights. All children deserve to be treated with love and dignity. All mothers deserve conditions which support the full range of their mothering.
In an interview with The Texas Observer, Dr. Dolly Lucio Sevier reported:
“The other thing which has not been covered in the news much is breastfeeding moms. All they got was a liter and a half of water a day, which is holding them all mildly dehydrated. Average size adults need 2 liters a day, breastfeeding moms need three liters a day. There were six breastfeeding moms I spoke to; only one of them reported adequate milk supply. The other five reported inadequate milk supply; they are not getting enough water and food really to feed a baby. There was a baby that was losing weight, breastfeeding mothers that were saying they were losing weight.”
Previous media reports have addressed the adverse physical and mental health effects of separating breastfeeding mothers from their babies. Breastfeeding USA reiterates our prior condemnation of the current US policy of separating migrant families and housing migrants in deplorable conditions in detention facilities.
Families belong together. All migrants deserve to be treated with dignity and housed in clean, safe conditions with access to food, water, and other basic physical needs.
For more information on our position, please see our Statement on Breastfeeding. It is the mission of Breastfeeding USA to provide evidence-based breastfeeding information and support, and to promote breastfeeding as the biological and cultural norm.
Breastfeeding USA Board of Directors
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