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Milk Production

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  • Breastfeeding Your Adopted Baby

    By Teglene RyanYes, you can breastfeed a baby to whom you did not give birth. In fact, breastfeeding an adopted baby is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is even possible to breastfeed if you have never been pregnant or have reached menopause. Breastfeeding an adopted baby is different than breastfeeding a baby…

  • Losing Your Milk: What seems like dwindling milk can actually be normal changes in baby and you

    By Teresa Pitman Remember when it felt like you had two boulders full of milk on your chest? And if the baby let go while nursing, you’d laugh as the milk sprayed everywhere? But now things have changed. No more leaking, your breasts don’t feel “full” anymore, and your baby’s behaviour is changing too. Have…

  • What is Breastfeeding on Cue?

    By Shelley Halloran Did you know that babies breastfeed for a wide variety of reasons—with hunger being just one of them? This is an idea that can be confusing as a new parent. Our culture understands bottle feeding and use of artificial baby milks as the normal standard of infant feeding. Our family, friends, and…

  • Questions About Milk Production: When will my milk come in?

    By Deana Soper Pinkelman, PhD Do any of the following statements sound familiar? “You need to rest, so you should supplement with formula.” “Your baby has jaundice, so you should supplement with formula.” “Your milk hasn’t come in yet, so you need to feed formula.” Some new parents are under the impression that milk produced…

  • A Case for Using Galactagogues as a Last Resort for Increasing Milk Production

    By Megan Hartless One of the most common questions I receive by email or Facebook message from mothers seeking breastfeeding support is, “What can I take, eat, or drink to increase my supply?” The Internet contains countless articles, blogs, advertisements, and testimonials about using galactagogues to increase milk production in breastfeeding mothers. A galactagogue is…

  • Oversupply: Symptoms, causes, and what to do if you have too much milk

    By Evelina Fisher You are not alone As a Breastfeeding USA Counselor, one of the most common issues parents contact me about is milk production. This topic comes up frequently in online breastfeeding support forums, too. Often the concern is low milk production, but you may be surprised how many questions are about oversupply. Some…