Call Our Warmline for Breastfeeding Support!
(612) 293-6622
The Breastfeeding USA Warmline may be reached 24/7 for parents needing support and information on infant feeding and related subjects.
When you call us at (612) 293-6622, a pre-recorded voice message in English and Spanish will receive your call. Leave us a message with your name, phone number and tell us why you’re calling. A Breastfeeding USA Counselor (BC) will return your call within 24 hours.
BCs are experienced breastfeeding parents accredited following completion of a comprehensive breastfeeding education program. We provide information and support to pregnant and breastfeeding and chestfeeding parents, with sensitivity, attention to your unique goals, while providing evidence-based information. Pick up the phone, and give us a call! We’d love to chat.
If this is a time-sensitive call, ie: mastitis, blocked duct, nursing strike, medication question, you can also locate and contact a BC through Find a Breastfeeding Counselor or through Facebook.